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Dean Jacksons wedding ring

When we left SA nearly a year ago, Dean came to me at our farewell party and said he wanted me to make his wedding ring. I was really stoked but thought it may have just been one of those drunken conversations. When he asked me again a few months later via email I thought for sure, he really means it. He didn’t have any specific requirements as he said I would know what he likes – I suggested maybe having some wood in it and he said sure, why not, whatever…
Well, what a cool task. I thought a raw, organic shape would suit dean – he’s a gifted soul who succeeds at almost everything he attempts. I worked on various executions… the one you see in the pic is the final result… with a black ebony centre piece. I wanted something specificto Dean and Ash… Dean ‘n Ash… D n A….
Using the concept of DNA and how it is intertwined, like lovers, this design element was used inside the ring by including the DnA inscription in each strand it signifies the bond between these two soul mates. The design is subtle, and special – only they know it is there.
As always, the goal is to create something unique that you won’t find on the shelf in a mainstream jewellery store.
I’m really sad I wont be able to get back to SA for the wedding, but know it will be really special.
Check out deans humorous wedding blgo here:

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looking for the little extra behind what meets the eye

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